Sunday, November 28, 2010

What To Do With Smelly Toilet?

live without being aware of what is oil in the current lifestyle and how traumatic it can be exhausted if we are not prepared to address them.
we avoid thinking about it, deny it ... or take action and prepare for change.
Transition Town Movement (Community in Transition) is a movement to adapt in a gradual and even enriching to a future without oil.

"It is based on the following grounds:
1) The energy consumption will have to drop dramatically and it is preferable that occurs in a planned way that is a change that caught by surprise communities.
2) communities today do not have a sufficient basis to survive the major changes that will bring peak oil.
3) We must act together and act now.
4) We harness collective intelligence to design our energy descent of a creative and proactive. Together we can create life forms intertwined, richer and able to recognize the biological limits of our planet. "

See also: Oil
. The End of an Era

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Free Woodworking Bench Plans

Ricardo Palma born in Lima in 1833.
From an early age he devoted himself to journalism and poetry.
was a poet, playwright, novelist, lexicographer, historian, librarian and, above all, the author of ten series of the famous Peruvian Traditions, literary subgenre he created and was a huge success all over Ibero America, making it the most important Peruvian writer of nineteenth and early twentieth century.
In 1881 he saw as the invaders burned and looted his house the National Library. On behalf of the government, between 1883 and 1912, assumed responsibility for rebuilding and managing the National Library, which he did based on his personal prestige.
Retired from all public activity died at his home in Miraflores, now a house museum, the October 6, 1919.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Arrow Rests For 2010

Who owes whom? Recommendation

live well without depending on others to live poorly, live well without endangering the future survival.
It is a time of uncertainty.'re on the brink, the current system limit.
The Governments, businesses ... just think short term and have no vision. Individuals seized in their daily lives do not realize the problem.
changes are required, changes in individual and collective behavior changes (and even the type of groups) to change to a world valid for all and for the future.

"With only 20% of the world population, the Northern countries or rich countries spend 80% of energy and natural resources. This model hides a huge injustice to the south ecological debt consists of four elements 1 - The carbon debt: the huge release of gases causes the greenhouse effect the destruction of the ozone layer and climate change. 2 - Biopiracy: the transnational patent traditional knowledge of farmers and indigenous seeds, medicinal plants, etc.) Without payment. 3 - Environmental liabilities: the North extracted at low prices and raw material resources of the South, with a high ecological and social cost 4 - The export of toxic waste from North to South. It speaks of the debt of many countries of the South with banks and Northern governments. But given the North's ecological debt to the South, really WHO SHOULD A WHO? "

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Find Largest Black Clit

book "Houses of Straw" Tell Me Another World

few days ago I purchased this book, almost Fortunately, because as I said in Ecohousing (who edited) is flying even before posting on the web. It was a highly anticipated book and it was deserved.
is very complete, very clear, very graphic ... which explains step by step, with practical tips and explanations, like building a house of straw.

The authors are Marens Termens ( ) and Rikki Nitzkin (http : / / ) are two very committed and they are owed a lot in the dissemination and training in straw bale building in the Peninsula IBeta.
Through these sites you constinuos out about the courses they undertake.

You can buy the book through the web of Ecohousing

More information Biocosntrucción

Monday, November 1, 2010

Compact Bow Blade Trinity

"What the world is" upside down "as we know ...
What other world is possible?. .. I will try ...
Several stories in which protagonists tell us how alternative avenues have opened to transform this reality by proposing to create local alternatives to democratic criteria, ecological and solidarity.
What was supposed to be a utopia Today is your day to day.
This is no story ... the world is within us. "

A local organic farming, responsible consumption, fair trade for the things brought out another way of distributing products, other bars, other time off for children and young people, another form of integration of disadvantaged people, another way to lend and borrow money. These are examples of another way to interact economically, to produce and consume, to satisfy needs that are not based ... to pollute and squander the planet's resources and to exclude and exploit others.

Tell me from another world losingART on Vimeo .