Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Arrow Rests For 2010

Who owes whom? Recommendation

live well without depending on others to live poorly, live well without endangering the future survival.
It is a time of uncertainty.'re on the brink, the current system limit.
The Governments, businesses ... just think short term and have no vision. Individuals seized in their daily lives do not realize the problem.
changes are required, changes in individual and collective behavior changes (and even the type of groups) to change to a world valid for all and for the future.

"With only 20% of the world population, the Northern countries or rich countries spend 80% of energy and natural resources. This model hides a huge injustice to the south ecological debt consists of four elements 1 - The carbon debt: the huge release of gases causes the greenhouse effect the destruction of the ozone layer and climate change. 2 - Biopiracy: the transnational patent traditional knowledge of farmers and indigenous seeds, medicinal plants, etc.) Without payment. 3 - Environmental liabilities: the North extracted at low prices and raw material resources of the South, with a high ecological and social cost 4 - The export of toxic waste from North to South. It speaks of the debt of many countries of the South with banks and Northern governments. But given the North's ecological debt to the South, really WHO SHOULD A WHO? "


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