If you have time Take charge and earn yourself the purchase of the house. Certain real estate agents also charge fees to the buyer.
must not forget to visit the Land Registry and request a single copy of the registered property you want to purchase. This ensures that the ownership of the building and there are no charges or encumbrances.
is important to ensure the purchase with a payment agreement, read in peace, if you do not understand a clause, consult with a professional firm no doubt. Better to pay 30 euros for a consultation from a professional to sign an unfair contract.
case of buying a property off plan, ensure that all amounts to deliver on account are guaranteed, and they give you the account number or policy of the entity that has contracted with the promoter or Construtora.
Remember that advertising is contractual, all the promotion brochure and bill of materials, services, facilities, acquisition form and payment is binding, although not listed in the contract.
The expenditure will have to endure as a buyer are notary fees, recording fees, costs of agency, VAT (if the house is new), ITP (if the home is used).
Remember that if it is a new home builder can not require a subrogation the loan.
is advisable to check the price purchase with a tax valuation.
case of a new home, the developer must provide the Book Building, consisting of the project with modifications if there had been, the certificate of acceptance, the relationship of agents have been involved in the construction process and instructions for use and maintenance of the building and its facilities.
not hesitate to ask the seller the following documents: Certificate of habitability, which is the document that certifies that the property is destined for this use, receipt of payment of property tax, urban plan of the house.
If you have time Take charge and earn yourself the purchase of the house. Certain real estate agents also charge fees to the buyer.
must not forget to visit the Land Registry and request a single copy of the registered property you want to purchase. This ensures that the ownership of the building and there are no charges or encumbrances.
is important to ensure the purchase with a payment agreement, read in peace, if you do not understand a clause, consult with a professional firm no doubt. Better to pay 30 euros for a consultation from a professional to sign an unfair contract.
case of buying a property off plan, ensure that all amounts to deliver on account are guaranteed, and they give you the account number or policy of the entity that has contracted with the promoter or Construtora.
Remember that advertising is contractual, all the promotion brochure and bill of materials, services, facilities, acquisition form and payment is binding, although not listed in the contract.
The expenditure will have to endure as a buyer are notary fees, recording fees, costs of agency, VAT (if the house is new), ITP (if the home is used).
Remember that if it is a new home builder can not require a subrogation the loan.
is advisable to check the price purchase with a tax valuation.
case of a new home, the developer must provide the Book Building, consisting of the project with modifications if there had been, the certificate of acceptance, the relationship of agents have been involved in the construction process and instructions for use and maintenance of the building and its facilities.
not hesitate to ask the seller the following documents: Certificate of habitability, which is the document that certifies that the property is destined for this use, receipt of payment of property tax, urban plan of the house.
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