Thursday, January 20, 2011

Killifish Menstruation

Obsolescenica Scheduled: buy, throw away, buy. Hydrogen

seems crazy to think that a bulb has a fire station looking over 100years, but it is real (see the sample webcam http:/ / / cam.htm )
This stunning documentary shows the true madness. The madness of a world in which consumer products are made to fail, so they do not last, and regardless of the consequences of disposal.
squander resources and turn them into waste. It is the folly of continued growth in a finite world.

You can hear interviews of those who have made the documentary "In

Affairs Own:

"It's a typical day: Scheduled Expiration

can see also in this blog:
Transition Town
Who owes whom? Tell
another world
The Story of Stuff
Oil. The End of an Era
Eat less live better. Practice ideas for a more conscious consumer
A sustainable life or a life unsustainable
Organic produce, are we really free to buy what we want?
Presentation of the book "Being and Being" by E. Fromm
Measure your ecological footprint


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