The duo format is much more comfortable talking about logistics, to go the whole band. One of the pros is that we can go by train because there is little equipment safely and we can take two or three people.
Upon arrival, a pleasant climate and a sound test quickly, efficiently and without incident. We had a world of good to see Ed Wood Lovers that left to give everything and did a concert with a set beat, every day I'm more fan.

After we arrived, releasing a computer that gave us enough trouble. I've always been in favor of not to carry computers in live, do not know why they fail. But hey, it was a minor problem because people were entregadísima and singing everything from beginning to end.

I was crossing the wide stage, lowering the public and even singing from backstage. I think it was from the concerts in which I have moved most of our history. As such a small sample that I found on YouTube:
Many thanks to Toño to respect our requests to stage perfection, for inviting us to dinner and eat estate, for calling us to go and touch the mythical Camelot room and the perfect deal, both he and the rest of his team. A Carlos by Diana lamp and for their assistance at the wheel. Also to all attendees who were very participative and made that a party dance hall, which is what this format is that we are duo. And the fantastic hotel and restaurant Pin, which is fantastic. I like the word fantastic.

next week ... Valladolindie.