The last vinyl They appear, and ringing in the new chapter Floor. Serge series González, filmed in Barcelona and available on YouTube, is an exercise for the sake of art. No charges, no one is profiting off the labor of others and all do for fun, so when we suggested that cediésemos a song we did it very willingly. I've always been that we charge here or all of the river or the whore. Here is the trailer.
is the fourth chapter and I must say that each delivery improvement compared to the previous one, both in interpretation, as in script and editing. In addition comes the always enormous Laura Put Llanetes embroidering the role.

We are in a list of those to vote . We know what you like to vote for us, and us that we votéis. 20 Minutes is and let the second time of a ranking of twenty artists of all styles.
Oh, and yes, tonight we played the Pop & Dance held in the hall Yasta. It is an occasion something special because after a decade, we again released as a duo. It will be interesting at least, so remember to get prontito because Intromúsica tell us, the company organizing the event, many invitations have been distributed.
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