Friday, March 11, 2011

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Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, Vancouver

The actors in the Twilight vampire saga are in Canada to film scenes from the upcoming movie of the saga, Breaking Dawn.

The actors in the Twilight vampire saga Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart , arrived at Vancouver airport, where they filmed more scenes for the upcoming movie history, Dawn.

Despite having come together on a private jet, the stars of Twilight decided out separately to avoid being harassed by fans. Pattinson did alone, head down and not talking to the press, while Stewart was accompanied by a bodyguard of the team.

also decided to get into separate cars while they walked at the same hotel, the Sheraton in the city.

Kristen Stewart llega a Vancouver acompaƱada de un guardaespaldas

Robert Pattinson llega a Vancouver para continuar con el rodaje de 'Amanecer'


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