Monday, February 7, 2011

Dragon Ball Doujin English Free

They Madrid (paid consumption)

We threw it. On February 18 we will play in the Pop & Dance room Yasta premiering our new format electronic duo, that is, Mr. Capote and my menda alone on stage. Entries are free and you can get them here and you can order up to five entries per person.

The capacity of the room is VERY limited, so hurry up or you will remain unable to enter. Thank you very much to a maximum of Intromúsica for proposing this event and the people of Jenesaispop by echoing her so very fast. Remember the last time we played in Madrid ended inputs are more than a week in advance. Be proactive.
As Intromúsica event, not a concert of ours, we can not put guests. Invitations are valid until the completion of the appraisal. Doors open at 22:30, so I recommend you go soon, in ye tail. Fersitu With this latest information, which had been overlooked.

popdanceFINAL2web peq.jpg

    Friday 18 February                
    Doors open 22:30 h    

They ( 23:00 h, electronic duo)

Amable (Razzmatazz BCN) + Rob Cooke

Order your invitations by clicking on: invitations /


De 22:30 h at 01:00 h (THEM) WITH MEMBERSHIP LIST OR CARD: 8 euros (without drinks) or 12 euros + 2 drinks

De 23:00 h to 01:00 h (THEM) NO LIST: 10 euros


De 01.00 to 02.00 h - FREE ENTRY or 2 beers x 8 euros / 2 cups x 12 euros

De 02.00 h to 03.00 h - Entry + 2 beers, 10 euros

Ticket + drink: 10 euros / 2 cups x 14 euros

De 03.00 h to close : 12 euros + drink to 2 drinks for 15 euros


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